Gracie’s Log
Day 10
I spent a lot of time outside today with my family. I was so happy about it that I didn’t even mind the cat being there! The sun felt so good on my face and the grass tasted so sweet (I will never understand why my mom doesn’t like me to eat grass! Clearly she has never experienced the gloriousness of ripping spring grass from the earth and letting it rest on your tongue until you can finally choke it down. Pure heaven!)
Dad finished building that wall thing around the bottom of our deck. At first I was upset, but now I realize it’s ok. He just knows how much I love to dig, and so I think he’s giving me a challenge! Something to do when I need a break from taking care of my family. I won’t let him down! I will rise to the challenge. In fact, I bet I can get under that thing in less than 5 minutes tomorrow! Stay tuned!
Well, that’s all I have for today. After watching my dad, eating grass, running with the kids, and letting my mom take 873 pictures of me—it is SO hard being this cute—I am ready for bed.
Have a good weekend, stay safe and remember to wash your paws!