I had never been so scared. We were on a small boat. My head hurt, my elbows and knees were turning deep shades of purple and yellow, my daughter’s lip was bleeding, and we were purposefully heading toward a storm. Yet, just an hour or so before we had been having the time of our […]
I rush. He beckons me to wait. I run. He invites me to linger. I fret. He whispers “pray.” I hurry. He says, “Be still and enjoy Me.” We (I) can get so busy with my to-do’s that I often forgo the importance of simply being with Jesus. Surely the enemy delights in our busyness […]
Once upon a time there was a father….
Once upon a time a there was a little girl who lived in a large kingdom. The kingdom was full of many exciting things and many beautiful people. And yet the little girl often felt scared, unsure, and hesitant. She was a very quiet little girl, surrounded by noise and chatter. Day after day she […]
If only you would let others see what I get to see…
I followed the melody up the stairs and into my son’s room. With at least two guitars, a harmonic, and an old recorder in his room, I am often greeted by music when I enter. But this night was different. There was a sound I couldn’t place coming from his room. A whistle that, while […]
God may have called you, but it doesn't necessarily mean it's gonna be easy….
I thought it would be a piece of cake. I honestly expected waters to miraculously part, doors to spontaneously open, and words to effortlessly flow. In fact, I not only expected it, but assumed it was part of the package deal. You know, the “God calls you and He’ll do it” special. And truth be […]