Looking for stories about kids that will give us all a little dose of sunshine during the week. Will you contribute?
Get Me Outta Here! (but I'm so glad I stayed)
I heard her say something which pushed me right back in my chair, and threatened to push me right out the door….
When You Realize You Don't Know What You're Doing….and it's ok!
Is it possible that an ordinary introverted girl with horrible time management skills and a chronically disorganized home could have a ministry?
Help us SEE that sometimes we need to say 'shut-up'
The lies won’t stop unless they are struck down with Truth. Positive self-talk doesn’t work, distraction doesn’t work, cleaning doesn’t work. Lies can only effectively be struck down with Truth.
I SEE Diamonds, A Bible, and A BEE!
The early church faced obstacle after obstacle, both from within and without, and yet the church grew and flourished. Why?