Once upon a time a there was a little girl who lived in a large kingdom. The kingdom was full of many exciting things and many beautiful people. And yet the little girl often felt scared, unsure, and hesitant. She was a very quiet little girl, surrounded by noise and chatter. Day after day she […]
If only you would let others see what I get to see…
I followed the melody up the stairs and into my son’s room. With at least two guitars, a harmonic, and an old recorder in his room, I am often greeted by music when I enter. But this night was different. There was a sound I couldn’t place coming from his room. A whistle that, while […]
God may have called you, but it doesn't necessarily mean it's gonna be easy….
I thought it would be a piece of cake. I honestly expected waters to miraculously part, doors to spontaneously open, and words to effortlessly flow. In fact, I not only expected it, but assumed it was part of the package deal. You know, the “God calls you and He’ll do it” special. And truth be […]
When the only way to grow is to tear something down
Why must growth almost always necessitate the tearing down of something? In order for muscles to grow, their small fibers must be torn down. Forests often grow as a result of fire tearing down that which has been growing for years. The fire releasing needed nutrients from the forest floor, opening the canopy to sunlight, and […]
When we need to pray like a child
“Mama, can we pray?” my almost ten year old asked me as I checked on her before heading to bed myself. She had been tucked in two hours earlier, and I was surprised to find her awake. “Sure baby,” I answered, snuggling myself into her twin bed. “Whatcha need to pray about?” Her brow was […]