Pause – A temporary stop in action or speech. Briefly stopping to wait or reflect.
I had decided not to post this week. I mean, truthfully, what could I possible say to ease the pain, stress and fear of so many? There certainly seem to be more than enough voices crying out in cyberland right now.
My plan for this week has been to hit pause. To wait. To listen. To pray. And to saturate myself with God’s word.
That was the plan, but obviously I am posting 😉 So what changed?
The need for celebration!
You see, my dad called to tell me that it was six months ago today that he had open heart surgery. A quadruple bypass to be exact, followed by a scary and long recovery.
Six months ago that I wrote this: Daddy’s Girl and this When God Speaks to Your Heart.
Six months ago that we didn’t know if my dad would make it.
But, by God’s grace and mercy, he did and he is doing great!!
And that deserves a celebration! That deserves praise! That deserves hitting pause on the incessant noise of the news, hitting pause on my current feelings and fears, and saying “Thank You” to the One who saw us through a very dark and scary time.
That deserves me looking up from my current circumstances to the God who is full of strength and peace and goodness.
That deserves me not being afraid to add my voice to the multitudes today so I can cry out, “Lord, You are the same yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever! We need not fear because You are enough!”
So today, right at this moment, I am hitting pause on the what-ifs. I am hitting pause on the fervor. And I am choosing to reflect on who God is and what He has done.
And what if….what if…for just a moment we all hit pause on our current feelings and circumstances, took a deep breath, looked up? Looked up at the face of the One who longs to hold us, strengthen us, and use us to shine His light into a dark world?
I pray we find out!
Happy 6th month healthy heart anniversary daddy! I am SO grateful for you (and mom who so lovingly saw you through your recovery!)
And thank you LORD for the mercy you showed us-continue to show us. Mercy we surely do not deserve, but are eternally grateful for!!!
Today, I choose to pause the fervor and express my deepest gratitude and trust in The Father.
Much love,
Don’t you love it when things are all crazy in the world and we pray for “just a little good news” and then God says, “How about some AWESOME news?” So happy for you and your family!
It is pretty awesome! Thank you SO very much!