“As you might have noticed, God does not fit into a box. He cannot be categorized, condensed, or compartmentalized. His ways are hard to understand. Sometimes they are impossible to understand. He is strong and yet gentle; powerful and yet meek; sovereign and yet gives us free will. He is just and yet delights in lavishing grace upon us. God is more complex than we could ever fully explore
The more I wrote about cats and their unique attributes, the easier it became to stop trying to force God and his ways to fit into the confines of my limited understanding. After all, if I can accept that a cat is complex, why would I think that the God who created them would be any less so?“
~Jennifer Marshall Bleakley

About the Author
Jennifer Marshall Bleakley is the author of Joey: How a Blind Rescue Horse Helped Others Learn to See, Project Solomon, and the Pawverbs© devotional series. She has worked as a child and family grief counselor and holds a master’s degree in mental health counseling from Nova Southeastern University. She lives in Raleigh, NC with her husband, Darrell, their two children, and their menagerie of pets.