I rush. He beckons me to wait.
I run. He invites me to linger.
I fret. He whispers “pray.”
I hurry. He says, “Be still and enjoy Me.”
We (I) can get so busy with my to-do’s that I often forgo the importance of simply being with Jesus.
Surely the enemy delights in our busyness (especially when it’s busyness for the LORD). For when we are busy, when we are running around in a million different directions, when we feel the whole world is dependent on our success or failure, then we are vulnerable.
Vulnerable to believe the lies that cry out:
You are too busy for your quiet time today.
You have no time for that person.
You need to hurry, you can pray later.
Time alone with God is not as important as time serving God.
Oh that the Holy Spirit will grab hold of us in the midst of our busyness!
That He will convict and make known the spiritual anemia we are experiencing.
That we would see our need for Him (for His Word) surpasses all of our to-do’s.
That we would grasp that our ability to serve God comes only from focused time with God.
Today, this summer, would we be willing to carve out moments (even if they are hidden moments in a closet or a bathtub, early moments before the kids wake up, or late moments when the house is tucked in for the night) and focus our hearts and minds on Jesus? Would we come to Him empty and dry and ask Him to pour Himself into us, so that we can then be poured out onto others.
Let’s pick a book of the Bible and linger over it. Let’s take a week to absorb just one chapter. Let’s slow our breathing and steady our thoughts. Let’s inhale His goodness and exhale our busyness.
And this summer may we find ourselves filled to overflowing by the grace and mercy of God.
In Him,