To the Weary Writer Who Wants to Quit:
I see you.
I know you.
I am you.
You have words—so many words inside of you.
You have a message, a story, a calling you want to share with the world.
And you’ve done all the things—all the things they say to do.
You made a website. You started a blog. You post cute graphics every day. You learned what a sticky statement is and try to include one in every post. You attended a conference. You wrote a proposal, and a one-sheet, and a query letter. You practiced your elevator pitch. You joined a writing group and a critique group and a support group. You faced a Goliath-sized fear and did a facebook live video. You gathered email addresses and tried to create a newsletter. You figured out how to do an author page on facebook and invited people to like it. You created an instagram account and tried your best to figure out Pinterest. You created a Goodreads page and followed all the authors. Clearly, you have done ALL THE THINGS.
And yet…..
Your platform is still small. Your numbers have barely moved. Your posts rarely get engagement. And every one except YOU seems to be succeeding. Every one else seems to be doing it right.
You question your calling.
You question the One who called you.
You question your talent and ability and purpose.
“I will never be a success,” becomes the lament of your heart.
But then…..
A warmth spreads through your heart, as whispered words flutter through your soul.
You already are.
At first you don’t recognize the source of those words, for they are so different then the internal accusations and taunts that have been bombarding your for so long.
These words are different—much different. They feel like a hot shower to your cold and weary heart.
You lean into the words, desperate to hear more…
You are a success, you hear spoken over you, For you are writing for Me. You are sharing the words I have given you.
I have not called you to walk another’s journey. I have called you to walk with Me. To write for Me.
If I call you to speak to just one and you do, you are a success.
If I call you to write a devotional for your church, or a blog post to reach just a few people and you do, you are a success.
If I speak a word to you and you allow that word to change you, you are a success.
You hold these words deep in your soul. You play them over and over again, until the voice of Love speaks once again….
Precious child, you must change your definition of success.
For too long you have allowed this world to define success for you. Let go.
Let this be your definition of success: that you write and speak for me—trusting my plans are greater than your own.
I may not call you to write a book, or a magazine article or a viral blog post, but that does not make the words I give you any less powerful.
I am not interested in numbers. I am interested in people.
Whether one or one million—each one matters to me. You are a success if you reach the ones I send to you.
You sit in stunned silence.
You test His words on your own lips, “I am a success to God.”
Your heart shifts with the declaration. And fervor begins to grow as you commit yourself to the One who has called you. As you commit to make a most important change:
I will write for you and no other.
I will trust your plan for me—regardless of your plans for others.
I will not be consumed by numbers or results—only with sharing your message.
I will allow you to define success for me—and daily surrender my definition to You.
You know it will not be an easy road, but you are willing to walk it, because the One who called you is faithful and He is your biggest fan!
Listen….can you hear the Father cheering you on? He’s cheering for you—the apple of His eye and the delight of His heart.
Keep writing!