Writing Update:
I so wish I could announce the glorious news that my book proposal was picked up by an amazing publishing house after being fought over by numerous agents, and that I was basking in the glow of being a published author. But….that would be a total lie.
The fact is, I have heard nothing, nada, zip, zero back from the one agent who has my proposal. “Tails of Hope” sits in my computer just waiting. I want to get back to it and rework some things, but I haven’t been able to find the time to do so.
I have this dream, and I believe it is a God-inspired dream, to have my book published so that the message of beauty from brokenness and hope in the midst of hurting can be shared with many. I am not giving up on that dream at all, but I am realizing that the pause button has been hit on that dream.
It is frustrating to have your dream paused, but when you have given your dream to God and you trust Him with the results, it is easier to accept the pause. That’s not to say I don’t have my moments. Every time I look at my manuscript sitting on my desk I want to scream, “Lord, why is this not happening?!?!” Every time I am given a new writing assignment I am eager but also frustrated by the fact that it will take more time away from editing “Tails of Hope.”
One thing I have learned during this period of waiting is the importance of staying in the Word. My eyes are too easily drawn away from God’s purpose when I am stuck in a pause. It becomes too easy to resent another’s success, to question my calling, to grow weary in day to day responsibilities, and to begrudge new writing assignments when I am focused only on my desire to accomplish my dream.
By remaining in God’s Word I force my eyes to look to Him. His Word becomes the filter by which I see things and react to them. My spirit stays sensitive to His prompting. Only by holding tightly to His Word can I rejoice in another’s success, feel secure in God’s calling on my life, face everyday responsibilities with joy, and gratefully embrace each new writing opportunity He brings my way.
My dream may be on pause right now, but my life is not. God can (and will) still use us during the pauses in our lives. He calls us to be faithful to Him in the big things and the small. He sends opportunities our way which may not look big or flashy, but are just as (if not more) important to His Kingdom than the bigger flashier assignments we think we want.
Do you feel as if you are on a pause? I would encourage you to cling to God’s Word. Start your day by reading a small portion of the Bible. A great way to begin a day is by reading a Psalm. As you read ask God to reveal a truth to you. Look for a lesson from the verses and then ask yourself how that applies to you right now. Throughout the day meditate on a verse, download a daily devotional like “Jesus Calling” to your phone. Saturate yourself with God’s Word, and I promise that you will begin to see things different. Suddenly your pause will feel more like a time of refreshing for your soul as you sit with your Creator.
Waiting is hard, but waiting while resting in the arms of The Father is a beautiful place to be.
In Him,
ps-if you were encouraged by this post and would like to receive more encouragement straight to your inbox once a week please click the “follow” button at the top right of this page. Blessings!
Thanks Jennifer! Ugh, waiting is hard no matter what we are waiting for! But I am like you, just waiting, waiting to hear from the publisher that has my proposal. You have such a way with words, looking forward to reading you book WHEN it it published!
Thank you so much for your sweet encouragement! It helps to know others are in the same waiting mode:) Hope you find out positive news soon!
It appears you are in good company 🙂
After 5 years of continual rejection, Agatha Christie lands a publishing deal. Her book sales are now in excess of $2 billion. Only William Shakespeare has sold more.
The Christopher Little Literary Agency receives 12 publishing rejections in a row for their new client, until the eight-year-old daughter of a Bloomsbury editor demands to read the rest of the book. The editor agrees to publish but advises the writer to get a day job since she has little chance of making money in children’s books. Yet Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K. Rowling spawns a series where the last four novels consecutively set records as the fastest-selling books in history, on both sides of the Atlantic, with combined sales of 450 million.
Louis L’Amour received 200 rejections before Bantam took a chance on him. He is now their best ever selling author with 330 million sales.
“Too different from other juveniles on the market to warrant its selling.” A rejection letter sent to Dr Seuss. 300 million sales and the 9th best-selling fiction author of all time.
140 rejections stating “Anthologies don’t sell” until the Chicken Soup for the Soul series by Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hansen sells 125 million copies.
The years of rejection do not break his spirit. He only becomes more determined to succeed. When he eventually lands a publishing deal, such is the demand for his fiction that it is translated into over 47 languages, as The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis goes on to sell over 100 million copies.
5 publishers reject L.M. Montgomery‘s debut novel. Two years after this rejection, she removes it from a hat box and resubmits. L.C. Page & Company agree to publish Anne of Green Gables and it goes on to sell 50 million copies.
The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter was rejected so many times she decided to self-publish 250 copies. It has now sold 45 million.
Margaret Mitchell gets 38 rejections from publishers before finding one to publish her novel Gone With The Wind. It sells 30 million copies.
“It was rejected 60 times. But letter number 61 was the one that accepted me. Three weeks later we sold the book to Amy Einhorn Books.” Kathryn Stockett on the worldwide best-seller: The Help.
“Stick to teaching.” Louisa May Alcott refuses to give up on her dream. Little Women sells millions, and is still in print 140 years later.
Rejected by leading publishers, the 21-year-old finally persuades a small publishing company Lackington, Hughes, Harding, Mavor, & Jones, to take a chance on her debut. They agree, but do not put her name on the cover, and only print 500 copies in 1818. Booksellers only bought 25 of them. Despite a named credit in 1822, sales did not improve, until a 3rd edition was published by Henry Colburn & Richard Bentley in 1831. Word of mouth combined with some of the finest prose ever written in the genre, quickly sees Frankenstein by Mary Shelley become a best-seller.
Wow!!!! Thank you so much! That was so encouraging 🙂