I want to use this week to teach you a very practical and simple method of studying the Bible. (See this post for further explanation: Start Here )
I hope you are excited about digging deeper into God’s Word through the 3 Point Method of Bible study. I’ve heard it called many different things: Inductive Method, 3 Point, The 1-2-3 Bible study etc. Those are all great titles, but for me (and the way my simple brain works) I have chosen to call it the Write It, Learn It, Live It Method.
The e-book I am working on goes into much more detail than I am able to do here, so for this week I am just going to show you how to do this method. I believe you will catch on very quickly (if you aren’t already familiar with this method.)
As we go through the Psalm together, I will share with you the lesson (learn it) and personal application (live it) I took away from the verse. However, chances are you will take away a slightly different lesson and application. That is the amazing thing with God’s Word: it is personal! He will speak to you and your situation through the same verse in which He speaks something differently to me.
I would LOVE to read your lessons and applications (and I’m sure others would too)! Please leave a comment if you find a different lesson or application from the verses.
As we read this beautiful Psalm together let’s remember that Good will overcome evil. God will destroy satan. Light will penetrate the darkness. And Truth will prevail! Let’s hold fast to those truths as we dig deeply into Psalm 37.
Day One Verses: Psalm 37:1-2
*Before doing anything else – PRAY. Ask God to speak to you through His Word. Ask Him to open your ears, eyes, heart and mind to receive His truth. Ask Him to free you from all distractions.
Now just grab a Bible, a pen and a notebook or even just a scrap of paper and you are ready to begin.
1. Write the verse (Don’t paraphrase. While you may choose to only write a section of the verse, only write words from the verse…don’t add anything to the verse)
“Do not fret because of evil men or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away.”
2. Learn It (What is this verse teaching? Is it giving a command? Do you learn something about God? Several lessons are often drawn from the same verse. Let God speak directly to you. Write down what you learn.)
Evil is fleeting, but God is eternal. Evil is allowed to wreak havoc for awhile, but one day God will put an end to it.
3. Live It (How can this verse change your life? What can you do differently because of the lesson it teaches? Try to form your personal application as a question you ask yourself, or as a prayer. Let God speak personally to you and your situation. Write down your personal application.)
How can I keep my eyes fixed on the eternal when the temporary is so scary?
God, help me keep my eyes focused on You and Your goodness in spite of the evil which abounds right now. Fill my heart with peace and help me point others to the Hope found only in You.
*Sit quietly before the LORD for a few moments and prayerfully wait for an answer to your application question. If God brings something to mind, write it down. For my Live It question, this is what God brought to my mind:
-Make time everyday to study God’s Word
-Memorize a Bible verse each week
-Take breaks from the news
-Focus on what I can control (ie creating fun family times, planning a good meal, doing good things for others, making time to teach this method to my kids)
-Be still before God and ponder His awesome power.
That’s it! What do you think? Pretty easy and straightforward right? I pray that this will be a blessing and useful tool for you. This method of Bible study has changed my walk with the LORD. I hope God uses it to do the same thing in your life.
See you tomorrow!
You are the BOMB. Thanks for being obedient.
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